PhD in Environmental Education, Visual artist
List of publications 1991-2020
PhD Thesis
- Panayota-Yolanda Ziaka, 1995, "L'éducation à l'environnement pour les adultes à travers las médias: aspects didactiques dans le cas de la presse écrite", Thèse de doctorat : Didactique des disciplines, Université Paris 7, Lille : Atelier national de Reproduction des Thèses, 1998
Periodicals - Editor-in-chief:
- 'Alliance for Responsibility in a Interdependent World', electronic newsletter, published from 2017 to 2020 (view on here), Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies
- 'Dialogues for Environmental Education', Newsletter, published from 1994 to 2000 in 3 languages and distributed in 60 countries, Editor and co-author, Polis – Réseau International en Education à l’Environnement, Athens & Syros – Greece
Books, Chapters in books:
- Z. Bahriz, N. Gelashvili, E. Marissal, Y. Ziaka, 2010, Les histoires de la petite étoile. Des contes sur la responsabilité, Polis – Réseau International en Education à l’Environnement, Syros – Grèce, 52 p. (project coordinator, editor / author / translator, a book published in French and in Greek)
- Y. Ziaka, 2008, Les trésors de la terre. Un conte écologique, Polis – Réseau International en Education à l’Environnement, Syros, Grèce, 58 p. (project coordinator, editor / author / translator, a book published in French and in Greek)
- Y. ZIAKA, 2006, L’empreinte écologique. Comment diminuer notre impact sur la terre, Editions Polis – Réseau International en Education à l’Environnement, 24 p. (editor / author / translator, a book published in French and in Greek)
- P. ROBICHON, C. SOUCHON, Y. ZIAKA, 2002, Education à l’Environnement : six propositions pour agir en citoyens, Collection Cahiers de Propositions, Editions Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France (a book published also in English, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish – tasks: project coordinator, author of articles, introductory texts and conclusions, other tasks: proofreading and translations)
- Y. ZIAKA, 2000, Une éducation à l’environnement pour le XXième siècle. Éléments de débat et perspectives en vue d’un forum permanent, 218 p., Editions Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France
- Y. ZIAKA, 2000 (Editor and Co-author), Environmental Education for the 21st century. Issues and perspectives, 216 p., Polis-International Network in Environmental Education, Ermoupolis, Greece, (editor, author of articles, of introductory texts and conclusions – other tasks: choice of articles, corrections and adaptations)
- Y. ZIAKA et G. LIARAKOU, 1995, Environmental Education Experience Files, Documents de Travail No 71 bis, 75 p., Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme, Paris (tasks: authorship, proofreading for the whole book)
- Y. Ziaka, 1993, “Fiches d'éxperiences sur l'Education à l'Environnement”, in Penser et agir pour une éducation relative à l'environnement, Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer, Documents de travail, Paris, France, pp. 1-42
Articles in Conferences proceedings:
- Yolanda Ziaka, 2013, "La responsabilité des éducateurs à l'environnement. Défis et opportunités pour la promotion d'une éthique de la responsabilité" , 7th World Environmental Education Congress, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 2013
- Dimitris Ratsikas & Yolanda Ziaka, 2012, "The artistic creation as a game for all ages" (in Greek here), Symposium on the Research in Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Department of Primary Education, May 2012 (published in Greek)
-Dimitris Ratsikas & Yolanda Ziaka, 2011, "Idée: la notion de la beauté", Revue 'Théorie et praxis pédagogique, Volume 4, 2011, Université de Ioannina, Greece (in Greek here)
- Y. Ziaka, 1994, “Fonction éducative des médias de masse en vue d’une alphabétisation environnementale pour tous”, in Alphabétisation Scientifique et Technique, XVIèmes JIES, Chamonix, A. Giordan et al. (éds), Fabrègue, Paris
- Y. Ziaka, 1991, “Vulgarisation scientifique et économique à propos de l’environnement dans la presse écrite”, in Ecole et médias face aux défis de l’environnement, XIIIèmes Journées Internationales sur l’Education Scientifique, Chamonix, A. Giordan et al (éds), Fabrègue, Paris
Articles in books:
- Y. ZIAKA, 2000, «Environmental Education for the 21st century», in Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability, Vol. 8, W. Leal Filho (ed.), Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
- Y. ZIAKA, I. BOCH et A. SIMON, 1996, «L’éducation à l’environnement et au développement», in Un monde solidaire. Comprendre pour agir, Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement, pp. 79-100, Editions Syros, France
Contributions in Assemblies and working meetings:
- Yolanda Ziaka, 2015, "What chances of success for the COP21?12 proposals for the Paris Climate Change Conference" (a slides show in French and in Greek)
- Yolanda Ziaka, 2013, "Images et réflexions sur les conflits et la crise en Grèce: une question de gouvernance et de responsabilité" (a slides show in French presented during the 4th Mediterranean Citizens' Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey)
Articles in the web (selection):
- Yolanda Ziaka, 2011, "La responsabilité des éducateurs à l’environnement au temps du changement climatique", Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France (published in English, and French)
- Yolanda Ziaka, 2010, "Approcher la lumière à travers la couleur", Introduction du Catalogue de l’exposition de Dimitris Ratsikas à la gallérie Titanium-Yayiannos, à Athènes, en Décembre 2010 (published in English, in French and in Greek here: 'Προσεγγίζοντας το φως μέσα από το χρώμα')
- Y. Ziaka, 2005, "Climate Warming and Our Common Responsibility: Becoming Informed So We Can Act", Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France (published in English, French and Spanish)
- Y. Ziaka, 2005, "Assuming Responsibilities in Daily Life: Responsible Consumption", Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France (published in English, French and Spanish)
– Y. Ziaka, 2005, "The Imperative of Responsibility, According to Hans Jonas", Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France (published in English, French and Spanish)
– Yolanda Ziaka, 2005, "Our Common Responsibility to the Global Environment: The Europeans’ Ecological Debt", Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France (published in English, French and Spanish)
- Yolanda Ziaka, 2005, "The Ecological Footprint As a Tool for Awareness-raising on Individual and Collective Responsibility", Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris, France (published in English, French and Spanish)
Publications of articles in Greek in nationwide magazines and in books:
a) Articles analysing environmental issues: on water management, industrial ecology, responsible fishery, ecological dept, the links between environment – ethics, environment – art, environment and social movements, etc., published in environmental and political ecology magazines, as well as in magazines for the general public:
- 1991-2005: 15 articles in the magazines « Oikotopia » (Thessaloniki, Greece), «Apopsi», (Ermoupolis, Greece), « Epikoinonia » (Ioannina, Greece), and « Anti » (Athens, Greece)
- 2005-2010: 18 articles in the magazine «Daimon tis Oikologias», a monthly supplement to the daily nationwide newspaper «Avgi» - initiating the column/series of articles: 'Innovative actions for the environment' (in Greek: 'Καινοτόμες δράσεις για το περιβάλλον')
b) Articles on Visual Arts, Aesthetics, Art Pedagogy:
- 2010-2012 : 6 articles published in painting exhibitions catalogues, local and national newspapers, in the magazine of the University of Ioannina in Greece: « Pedagogical Theory and Practice », as well as in the International Conference Proceedings « The Research in Preschool Education » (Ioannina, May 2012) C. Articles and press bulletins published in the web, in English, in French, and in Greek, between 2001 and 2012
More articles and press bulletins published in the following websites:
- (articles popularizing environmental concepts, study reports, and press bulletins, in English and in French – website of the programme «Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies» – webmaster)
- (articles on Environmental Education experiences and projects worldwide, and press bulletins, in English and in French – website of the non governmental organisation «Polis – International Network in Environmental Education» – other tasks: website administrator / translator)
- website of the European project 'ETRES' supported under the Erasmus+ program (2016-2019)
- (website on Visual Arts)